As someone who rolls their eyes practically to the back of their heads at the pathetic garbage they call films nowadays (at least in America) hopefully this will be of interest to fellow film buffs, those who are curious to broaden their horizons, or those who just want someone to talk to about a long forgotten film that they adore.
I am just a girl who enjoys old and rare films. Perhaps someday I'll even help to preserve those poor little silent films deteriorating in a long forgotten canister. Until that day comes I'll be writing on this blog. I'll try to write a movie a day but will see how that goes since I have the attention span of a Magpie.
One last note, hopefully you can overlook my grammar, run on sentences, and so on and see that what I write comes from the heart.
I have decided also to include backstory of the making of the films and the people involved if it seems to be of interest or amusing trivia.
First follower & really looking out for your recs!